Current Officers

President: Morgan Duffy
Vice President: Erin Anderson
Team Captain: Madison McInnis
Treasurer: Riley Morgan
Head Coach: Kent Johnson

Contact Us:

Sep 18, 2013

One more week until the beginning of Fall Quarter!!! That means the ski team is getting ready for recruitment and dryland training. Interested in joining the fun?! Come talk to us at the Student Activities Fair on Wednesday Sept 25th and Thursday Sept 26th in Red Square to learn more about the team!

Nov 15, 2011

DEADLINES ARE APPROACHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you want to race this season, or even if you're on the fence about racing please please PLEASE follow the links below and do your USCSA registration. Even if you're not sure, it's only $10. Please do it now, otherwise we start getting slammed by late fees that are >>>$10. Rob and I will deal with the waivers, just fill out the form and pay. 



Nov 11, 2011

Dryland bumped an hour

Hey folks,

We're bumping dryland up an hour to 3:30. We'll be doing some climbing so grab your shoes and chalk if you have 'em. If not, bring a couple bucks to rent. Given that we have the day off, there's also no better time to get some of the paperwork squared away. Ussa, Uscsa, dues (not dudes)... Go here: and follow the links to get signed up.

Oct 13, 2011

So, I Want to Join the Ski Team

Thanks to all those who made it out to the meeting on Tuesday, I'm super excited about all the new people interested in joining the team. Things are shaping up for an awesome season. 

So, you want to join the team?

One of the more annoying things about Ski Racing is there is a little bit of paperwork that everyone needs to complete, the amount depends on how much racing you plan to be doing, but first...

To join the team you need to do two things: (1) Fill out an IMA registration card and (2) pay $90 team dues (checks payable to Husky Ski Team).

That's all you need to do to be part of the team. If you're just interested in hanging with us on the hill, or coming to races and not competing, you can stop here. The $90 just covers our insurance and lane fees, we make it as cheap as possible. You can do these two things either at a meeting or a dryland. I'll also post some times when I'll be on campus and you can do it in person.

Now, if you want to race:

(1) Register with USSA. Follow this link to do so: Online Registration. There are two options for USSA registration. You can register as a full competitor ($140) or as a non-scored student ($90). The only difference is if you want to race at regionals or have USSA points, you must get a full competitor license. 

(2) Register with USCSA. 
Follow this link if you're a dude:

Follow this link if you're a chick:

You need to fill out some info; pay $10; and print off, sign, and give a form to me. You can do that when you pay your dues! 

And that's it! Now you're ready to shred!

Oh, you might also want to get a Season's Pass to Snoqualmie before Halloween, because they get more expensive after that and a day pass there is like $70. No Bueno.

Dryland Training

Hey Husky Skiers!

We'll be doing our first dryland training tomorrow at 4:30 PM in front of the IMA. We usually just get together and play a little soccer, do some skiing exercises, hang out, etc., so you should probably come on down. After Friday, we'll be doing dryland twice a week on Tuesdays and Fridays at 4:30, meeting in front of the IMA.

BTW: This is a great opportunity to pay your $90 team dues. That would be super.

Oct 8, 2011

First Informational Meeting

Hey Skiers! Our first informational meeting will be this Tuesday, October 11th in Savery 138 at 5 PM. C'mon out and find out what the Husky Ski Team is all about. Also, if you're a returning member or mega-stoked you might want to bring along a checkbook to pay your team dues. Not sayin', just sayin'.

Sep 26, 2011

General Information For The Fall

So, you might be new to UW or simply new to the Huksy Ski Team. You might want some information to let you know what the team's all about. The best way to get information tends to be in person. That way, you can get to know some people on the team and they can answer your questions as they arise. We will be scheduling some informational meetings very soon where you can get all the info you need about what it's like to be on the team and what you have to do to be a part of it. 

For now, we're planning on doing some tabling this Wednesday and Thursday, September 28th and 29th, as part of the Student Activities Fair. We should be around at a table in Red Square from 10:30 to 2:30. Feel free to come by and say "hello."

For those that have no idea, the Husky Ski Team is a club Ski Racing team. We compete in USCSA (United States Collegiate Skiing Asscoiation) events against other schools in the area (WSU, Oregon, University of Idaho, UBC, etc.) and race both Slalom and Giant Slalom. During the season, we practice on Wednesday and Thursday nights at the Summit at Snoqualmie and then travel to the races on the weekend. Although we are a racing team per se we don't require any previous racing experience and the majority of our team members began racing in college. That being said, if you've only skiied bunny slopes, we're probably not what you're looking for. Also, if you've raced before there's some good competition to be had that's much lower pressure than traditional USSA/FIS style races. Ultimately everyone is out to have a good time and we're pretty good at doing it.

We're extremely flexable with levels of commitment and understand that everyone is busy. We also understand that most of us are poor college students and do everything in our power to make skiing as cheap as possible for those on the team. With carpooling, gear hook-ups, and shared accomodation, I guarantee this the most affordable way to ski up to four days a week and at variety of resorts.

Hope to see you all at a table or an informational meeting.